Iwata Kustom Hi-Line HP-TH ╤ K 9200,,The first airbrush to create a fan-patterned spray, the TH stands alone among its peers. ,,Triggering your imagination for auto-body touch-up and Kustom painting, the Kustom ,,TH delivers unprecedented control of a fan pattern with a minimum of overspray, ,,giving it a unique advantage over mini touch-up guns. Great for small areas such as ,,chip repair, fender welds, door jams and other hard-to-reach areas.,,Ñ 0.50-mm nozzle and needle combination,,Ñ MAC Valve (Micro Air Control),,Ñ ╥Fan-Patterned╙ air cap (fan pattern requires compressor with at least 1.2 cfm),,Ñ ╥Round-Patterned╙ air cap ,,Ñ PTFE needle packings,,Ñ Large, 1/2 oz. (14 ml) removable gravity-feed fluid cup,,Ñ Spray-gun trigger design,,Ñ Includes Pistol-Grip Moisture Filter (F A450)